Identify Your Happiest Moments to Make Money Decisions Based on Your Own Values

Most people cringe when they see the words “money” and “happiness” in the same sentence, and rightfully so. Money is not equal to happiness. However, you can use the money in accordance with your own values. To find these values, it’s helpful to think about your happiest moments.

Money is used to measure value, so it’s easy to think of it as an end goal, but it isn’t. Money is just a tool . And here’s what the Mom and Dad Money personal finance blog has to offer to use this tool in line with your values:

If you know which parts of your life make you the happiest, you can make spending and saving decisions that will allow you to experience those moments more often. Number processing becomes an exercise in accumulating more happiness, rather than accumulating more money.

Your happiness becomes the goal of your financial plan. The numbers are just a muscle that helps you achieve this.

This is similar to our previously mentioned “why” suggestion when setting up financial goals . But if you’re having a hard time figuring out what that answer is, thinking about your happiest moments can help you define your values and make better spending decisions. Check out the full post below for more details.

When are you happy? | Money for Mom and Dad through Rockstar Finance


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