If You Need Creative Ideas, Start Thinking Inside the Box.

Think outside the box is one of the least creative phrases in the world. Not only because it is abused, but also because it is often wrong. If you’re struggling to come up with creative ideas, you may need a box.

As aerospace Ph.D. and motivational speaker Dr. Dragos explains in the video above, we all fall into some kind of creative box. The place where we were born, the opportunities available to us, and the resources we have – all these limit us. These frameworks are limiting, but they also force us to get creative. When an obvious solution is not available, you must come up with a new one.

In many situations, constraints can actually improve creativity. Rather than trying to avoid the constraints you find yourself in, working on them can help you come up with new ideas. If you’re looking at a blank canvas trying to come up with something to create, start by limiting yourself.

Want to be more creative? Think inside the box. | Businessman


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