Work Every Part of Your Body With This Dumbbell Exercise Chart

Dumbbells are an overlooked workhorse in the exercise world. They’re great at your home gym , and you can always grab a few, even from a busy fitness center . Even people who train with a heavy iron or just their body tend to do a few dumbbell movements from time to time.

To help you figure out the millions of different things you can do with dumbbells, Stack 52 has a spreadsheet of over 100 of the best dumbbell exercises grouped by body part and ranked by difficulty. Stack 52 also sells a stack of actual cards that you can use to deal with your workout, but the infographics are not binding and there are corresponding charts for suspension and body weight exercises. Check out the link below to see the full table, including video demonstrations of each move.

Dumbbell Exercise Periodic Table | Stack 52


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