The Most and Least Expensive Wedding Venues in the USA

When you want to estimate the cost of a wedding, location is an important factor. In some parts of the country it is much more expensive to get married than in others. Thumbtack breaks down spending by state and metro area.

In its 2016 wedding report, Thumbtack calculated that the most expensive states to marry are Connecticut, New York, Washington DC, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania. And the five most expensive metro areas: New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Providence. They explain their methodology:

Thumbtack receives over 320,000 requests for wedding services annually. The Thumbtack 2016 Wedding Trends report compiles data from wedding requests posted to Thumbtack by couples in 2016. Qualitative trends were collected from interviews with buyers and suppliers. Pricing data is based on thousands of quotes provided by suppliers to our customers.

If these numbers seem a bit understated, be aware: Thumbtack estimates do not include the cost of the venue, dress, or rings, which can vary widely. These averages include typical wedding services, from music to catering to photography. In the full report, they also detail the average cost of these services by state. For example, here’s a breakdown for California:

They also detailed this information for the 25 most expensive cities , and you can check this data here. Check out the press release for the report at the link below.

Thumbtack Study Predicts The Most Important Wedding Trends of 2016 | Thumbtack through apartment therapy


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