Keep the Spatula in the Dishwasher, Dip the Drain Into the Sink and Other Simple Cleaning Tips

This video is from Nonnahs Driskill and Get Organized Already! , contains tips on how to save space on your countertop and make sure dirty dishes go into the dishwasher (and clean ones back). Anyone with a small kitchen or living with another person can find something here to try.

A few suggestions really stood out, such as the idea of ​​keeping a spatula in the dishwasher that you and your roommates can use to scrape dirty food off the dishes directly into the sink, trash, or trash can. You can then put the dishes and spatula back in the dishwasher without wasting extra water in the pre-wash . Another good tip is to place a dish drainer on one side of a double sink if you have a double sink. This will free up a bunch of desk space that you can use, and you can always move it back if you need space for the sink.

Some of the other tips are basic but important as well, such as making sure you set the order for loading and unloading the dishwasher. Have someone load and run the dishwasher every night before bed if your roommates are too much to load immediately after using the dishes. Likewise, Nonnahs suggests unloading the dishwasher every morning while you wait for the coffee to brew. Click the play button on the video above to see each tip in action (it’s only about two minutes long), or watch it on YouTube below.

Dishwasher Tips | Get organized now!


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