Airline Ratings Contain Everything You Need to Know About an Airline and Its Safety Record

When choosing an airline, price is probably the first factor, but the airline’s safety record should also be on your radar. Find out how safe popular airlines are, what planes they fly, which routes they fly, and more with this tool from Airline Ratings.

You can find popular airlines such as United or Virgin, or regional carriers operating in your area or country. Airlines have five criteria in the ranking they use to assess the safety of each airline (the highest score is seven stars).

  • IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) Certification : IOSA is usually conducted every two years for each airline, although registration is voluntary. An analysis of the airline’s operational management and control systems constitutes a large part of the audit. Two stars can be awarded if the airline meets these criteria.
  • European Union Blacklist : Airlines are prohibited from flying over EU airspace due to regulatory oversight, poor aircraft maintenance, or potential risk to the safety of passengers.
  • Record of deaths if the airline last ten years, had no deaths, it is awarded a star. This entry only includes fatal accidents on board. Terrorist attacks or hijackings are not included.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Endorsement : The FAA has a list of countries that are prohibited from flying over US airspace. If an airline departs from a listed country, it does not receive an asterisk for this criterion.
  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Safety Parameters : There are 8 parameters and two stars are given if the airline adheres to all eight. If five to seven are met, one star is awarded. Parameters include legislation, organization, licensing, operations, airworthiness, accident investigation, air navigation services and aerodromes.

In addition to these five criteria, Airline Ratings also takes into account whether an airline has been validated by its country’s aviation security governing body. In addition to safety, the tool also shows you the types of aircraft they fly, the age of their fleet, their general routes, airline history, and more. Try the tool yourself at the link below.

Airline ratings


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