Use Egg Cartons to Transport Baked Goods, Snacks, and Other Small, Delicate Dishes

Whether you’re out for dinner with your family or hanging out with friends, getting food from the kitchen where they’ll be eaten is no easy task. This guide from Cooks’ Illustrated has some helpful tips, including using plastic wrap egg wrapping lines for baked goods or gourmet snacks.

One tip of an egg carton is enough to make a difference, especially if you’re traveling with small treats like small cakes, baked goods, spiced eggs, or anything else you’d like to keep separate and clean. They also have a few other suggestions, such as using a short box with crosses at the top to transport cupcakes without squeezing the icing, or even using a bamboo steamer if you don’t have a cupcake pan. They also include one of our all-time favorites, which uses dried pasta or toothpicks and plastic wrap to transport the cake without ruining the icing.

Update : Some people have raised concerns about Salmonella out of the egg box, at which point Cook’s Illustrated suggests lining the box with plastic wrap before adding your snacks, just to keep things separate. However, this is understandable if you prefer to avoid it entirely!

Follow the link below to see all of them, as well as a few suggestions for travel gear to help you get through the party season.

How To Safely Transport Goodies | Illustrated chef


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