Run Disk Cleanup After Windows November Update to Save 20GB + Space

Microsoft released the first major update for Windows 10 this month. If you’ve already performed this update, be sure to run Disk Cleanup. This can save you up to 20 GB of hard drive space.

Those of us at Lifehacker who have already installed the Windows update have noticed that 20 GB of space can be easily removed during Disk Cleanup. To find it, run the Disk Cleanup utility and after the initial scan, click Clean Up System Files. After the second scan, the “Previous Windows Installation” option should appear. When we ran the scan, this item was not selected by default, but it contained a lot of data. Go and clear it out to reclaim your place.

Of course, these previous installation files may be needed if you need to roll back to a previous version of Windows, so if you’re not sure everything will work with the November Update, feel free to keep it until you’re sure. However, once you know everything is working, clean it up.


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