Make an Emergency Spare Key for Simple Food Jar Lid Locks
If there is no locksmith or hardware store nearby, copying a simple key can be more of a hassle than it’s worth. For small padlocks and other very simple locks, you can copy some spare keys from the tin lid.
This YouTube video from DaveHax shows how easy it is to copy almost any simple key at home. Take the original key and hold it over the lighter just enough to start charring. Then press the darker part of the key against the transparent tape. When you have your key path, place it on the lid of an empty tin can and cut out a copy. However, keep in mind that this copy will be very thin and should only be used in an emergency. When you do need to use it, hold the key as deep as possible and turn it slowly and carefully. The last thing you want to do is break it in a lock. This copying process is probably best for keys that go with very simple locks such as lightweight padlocks, cabinets, and diaries.
Emergency Spare Key | Youtube