Be More Charismatic by Treating New Friends As Old

For some of us, it can be difficult to find common ground with new people. When you don’t know someone, an awkward barrier arises between you. Charismatic people are able to overcome this barrier. One quick way to do this is to think of the acquaintance you meet as an old friend.

Like many people, I get nervous in different ways in social situations, especially when I’m chatting with someone new at a party or networking event. It is difficult to talk to strangers. To get rid of that, pretend you know them , ”suggests Leil Lowndes, author of How to Talk to Anyone . Time reports:

When you first meet someone, pretend they are an old friend of yours. This will trigger a variety of subconscious responses in your body, from softening of eyebrows to position of toes, Lowndes said. And the added benefit of this technique is that when you act like you like someone, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you can really start to like him. Lounds says: “It all comes down to the fact that love begets love, how it begets similar, respect begets respect.”

Like most social shortcuts , this sounds a little silly at first, but it’s just a mental trick to relax and make you a little more open and accessible. However, your mileage will definitely be different from this, so use this advice as you see fit. If you are being loud and obscene with your friends, you probably want to keep it a secret when, for example, chatting with a potential employer at a job fair.

This is good advice to calm your nerves and make small talk less awkward. The rest can be viewed at the link below.

7 Body Language Tricks To Make People Like It | TIME


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