Create a Holiday Budget With This Interactive Planner
From parties to gifts and travel, it’s time to start thinking about your holiday spending. This means that you need to draw up a budget. Clearpoint Credit Counseling makes it easy to plan your holiday spending with this interactive tool.
You start by entering your annual gross salary and then the tool recommends how much you should spend on the holidays in general (they recommend 1.5% of your income). You can then set up different budget categories and the planner will let you know if you are over your target amount.
After you enter the amounts, the tool lets you add other expense information, such as a gift list or estimated cost destinations. After you enter as many (or fewer) details as you like, Clearpoint creates a print budget that you can refer to during the holidays. Check it out at the link below.
Vacation Budget Planner | Clearpoint Lending Consulting