Convert Any Extra Halloween Candy Into a Delightful Popcorn Cake

As a planner, I almost always buy more candy for Halloween than I need. It’s not a big deal (because I love candy), but there will come a time when I have too many Fun Size bars and need to get the sweet stash out of my house. The aforementioned popcorn cake is a great way to do this.

The recipe (link below) requires certain types of candy, but just about anything will do. M & M’s, Milk Duds and the like can be simply sprinkled, but you can also play entire bars by simply slicing them up ahead of time. Heck, you can even use these Halloween ghosts to put everything together. Though, perhaps I would stay away from Jolly Ranchers and Everlasting Gobstoppers; you don’t want anyone to break a tooth. (You can, however, melt them and pour them over the whole situation.)

When the cake from the remaining candies is collected and hardened, take it to work, give it to your neighbors, or just eat it yourself. I know the latter ruins my whole no-candy plan, but I’m just realistic.

Every Cinema Treat is Packaged in One Majestic Dessert | Popshahar


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