Best Teeth Brushing Method You’ve Never Been Taught

Back and forth or circular brushing is probably not the best way to brush your teeth, but these are the most popular methods taught to children and recommended by toothpaste companies. On the other hand, dentists prefer the so-called modified bass technique.

To brush your teeth this way, tilt the brush toward the gum line, move it in a circular motion to loosen plaque on and under the gums, then move the brush away from the gums to remove debris.

Optimal brushing is not entirely consistent: An analysis published in the British Dental Journal found a lot of controversy over how long, how often, and which methods are best. Of the ten dental associations that recommended a particular technique, six preferred the modified bass because there is some evidence that it might be better than other methods . However, this method has rarely been taught to children, so consider the Modified Bass brushing technique one of the best kept secrets of adulthood.

Cleaning Methods Modified Bass | Columbia College Calgary (Youtube)


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