Most Popular Shower Songs by Spotify

Knowing that you have great shower music in the morning will make it easier for you to get yourself out of bed . Here are the tunes that Spotify users listen to the most when in tune for their day.

Spotify CEO Daniel Eck says there are over 39,000 active playlists called “Shower,” and there are approximately 550,000 streams of songs on those playlists every morning. So what do people sing, wash their hair with shampoo? Business Insider asked Spotify what people are playing the most, and Spotify compiled a top 20 playlist . Here is the playlist:

While everyone’s soul singing tastes different, this playlist is a nice mix of classics and new songs that you can use to spruce up your own playlist or start a new one. What songs are on your shower playlist?

Spotify Tells Us The Top 20 Songs People Listen To In The Shower | Business Insider


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