The Best Way to Stop Worrying About Money Is to Pay More Attention to It.

62% of us are so worried about money that it ruins our sleep. Worrying too much doesn’t do us any good, but paying more attention to our finances can help us worry less about money.

The title of this post is a quote from Thrifty Rules:

Basically, while it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to stop worrying about money is to pay more attention to it. Keep track of your accounts. Save the emergency fund. Keep track of your expenses. Budget. Hire a financial planner. All of these steps may take you a little time, but the end result will be much more satisfaction with your current finances and much less anxiety.

Most of all, we worry about things that we don’t think we can control. However, taking steps to save for emergencies and keep track of your spending gives you a little more control and can make personal finances less overwhelming. If you have savings on autopilot and other money management fundamentals , you can relax a bit.

How To Stop Worrying So Much About Money | Thrifty rules


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