Difference Between Fact, Hypothesis, Theory and Law in Science

Words such as “fact”, “theory” and “law” are often used. However, when it comes to science, they have something very specific in mind; and knowing the difference between the two can help you better understand the world of science as a whole.

In this fantastic YouTube video It’s Okay To Be Smart, host Joe Hanson clarifies some of the confusion surrounding four very important scientific terms: fact, hypothesis, theory, and law. Knowing the difference between these words is the key to understanding news, research and any other information coming from the scientific community. Here are the main takeaways:

  • Fact: Observing the world around you. Example: “It’s light outside.”
  • Hypothesis: A proposed explanation of a phenomenon, given as a starting point for further research. Example: “It’s bright outside because the sun probably isn’t shining anymore.”
  • Theory: A well-founded explanation derived from the scientific method and repeatedly tested and corroborated by observation and experiment. Example: “When the sun shines, it makes it bright outside.”
  • Law: A statement based on repeated experimental observation that describes a natural phenomenon. Proof that something is happening and how it is happening, but not why it is happening. Example: Newton’s law of universal gravitation .

In fact, this is how all science works. You probably knew some of this, or remember some of the elementary school passages, but this video explains the whole process perfectly. Knowing how something actually works makes it much easier to understand and study thoroughly .

Theory versus hypotheses versus law … Clarification! | Youtube


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