Create Awesome Motion Control Servos With the Raspberry Pi

If you’ve ever wanted to magically make something move with a wave of your hand, this Raspberry Pi project can do it.

This build, from Kurt E. Clotier and Justin Platz, uses a Raspberry Pi (they used the V1 B + model), some micro-servos, a Leap Motion controller, and a streaming service called PubNub to make the LEDs move and light up with the movement of your hands. You will also need a computer and a bunch of other electronic components to complete the project, and the setup will be quite complicated as well. However, once all of this is put together, the motion controller will be able to read your hand movements and the position of your fingers to put on a graceful light show (as shown in the video above). Of course, you can also use this technology to come up with something interesting yourself. Maybe you’re building a robot that needs hands with controlled movement, or you just want to spice up your parties. You can check out the complete guide at the link below.

IoT Motion Control Servos | Instructables


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