The Real Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is about more than just getting an exercise prescription or a friendly face at the gym. A good and qualified personal trainer will take responsibility for keeping you active and changing the way you train and exercise. This is what we mean.

Thanks to the Internet these days, you can learn anything, even follow predefined workout programs. However, understand that all the knowledge of the world will only help you if you don’t stick with the program on your own or don’t know how hard you should work out in the gym (probably not until you vomit).

As for the last point, some training studies (for example, this from theJournal of Strength Trainingand Research and another from thejournalMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise ) have shown better strength gains with controlled training compared to those that did not. … This seems to suggest that people can get better results when there is someone coaching them ( Reddit tip for this research).

Trainers do not provide magical power by themselves, but a compassionate and knowledgeable trainer should meet your needs and teach you safety, form and exercise techniques based on your level of experience, age, and ability. For example, you wouldn’t do a heavy deadlift if your hamstrings are tight. He or she needs to know how far to push you during a workout to reap the benefits, but also tell you when to back off.

All of this instills in you a responsibility to take care of how you exercise and reinforces that responsibility. But remember: your coach will not do all the work for you; you still get what you put in.


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