Stop Worrying About “chemicals” in Your Food

The word “chemicals” strikes fear in the minds of many people, especially when it comes to the things they put into their bodies. However, everything you eat is made up of chemicals and there is nothing to worry about.

Here’s a daunting list of chemicals: benzaldehyde , linalool , nonane , pentanal , stearic acid, andmethylparaben . How to show this video with the YouTube-channel AsapSCIENCE , these “terrible” chemicals found in each is not so terrible blueberries you eat. Everything around you is made up of chemicals, from the water you drink to the air you breathe. This means there is no reason to worry about “chemicals” in your food, at least in a broad sense.

However, food companies and health fanatics try to pretend that chemicals are the bad guys. This is a big part of why so many do not understand what is actually healthy and nutritious . Even “man-made” chemicals are often misunderstood as unpleasant, but there are many and are just as safe as any other naturally occurring chemicals. As AsapSCIENCE explains, food is complex and you cannot live “without chemicals” no matter how hard you try. When it comes to the chemicals in food, it’s important to avoid simple black and white thinking. This is not about “natural” versus “synthetic” chemicals, but about doing research and determining what is really good or bad for you on an individual level.

This is NOT NATURAL | Youtube


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