HashtagToDo Turns Google Calendar Into a to-Do List

A new add-on for Google Calendar, our favorite online calendar , turns it into a handy to-do list. Just add a #todo entry to turn it into a recurring task. Plus, it works on multiple platforms and you don’t need to install anything.

Some experts believe that you should schedule tasks on your calendar to get things done. HashtagToDo builds on this principle with Google Calendar. Give the app access (you can see their Privacy Policy here ) and you’re done. The next time you create a Calendar entry, add #todo at the end. HashtagToDo recognizes this hashtag as a task and adds a parenthesis at the beginning of the entry that serves as a flag.

When you’re done with the task, edit it by adding an “X” in the parenthesis / checkbox. If you don’t add this X, HashtagToDo will recognize that your task has not been completed yet and will automatically reschedule it to the next day.

It’s a great way to use your Google Calendar as a to-do list, especially since it works on any device or third-party app that’s connected to GCal. The only problem is that entries taken on a mobile device don’t get this checkbox until the app syncs with your Google Calendar.

In the meantime, you can get a simple list of all pending tasks if you go to the HashtagToDo web app and log into it.



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