Turn Small Talk Into Good Conversation by Asking About Their Hobbies

Small talk is tiring and will never create any connection between you and someone else. You’ve probably heard that asking questions is a good approach , but the questions you ask can really bring life to life.

Questions can be just as commonplace as small talk if you’re not careful. Questions like “yes” or “no” do not interest anyone and do not allow any real expression. Instead, Julian Reisinger, founder of Love Life Solved, invites you to ask about their hobbies. Reisinger gives an example:

When your friend tells you (or the group) that she was riding a horse and had a great time, don’t ask “Where did you go?” But ask, “I’ve never been horseback riding.” What makes it so exciting? »I guarantee that anyone with a passion for this topic will not only teach you a ton – in an interesting way – but also like you more and come closer to you afterwards.

Step outside of a person, place, or thing and find out why they do what they do. If you don’t know what they are passionate about, ask them. People love to talk about their hobbies, and if you find out what excites them , you get to know them as a person.

Julian Reisinger’s answer to the question “How can I start an interesting conversation?” | Quora via Inc.


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