Top Downloads This Week

Every week we share the number of downloads for all platforms to help you get started. Here are the top downloads this week.

Drivemode uses gestures and your voice to control your phone while driving

Android: Controlling your phone while driving is not easy. Google Now and other voice assistants can do a lot, but Drivemode takes the idea further. It includes many of these voice commands with a simple gesture and color based interface that is non-distracting.

Moo-q will tell you what time of day your brain works best

iPhone: We track pretty much everything these days, why not add our brains to this list? Your cognitive function works differently throughout the day, and moo-q will tell you when your mental capacity is at its best. He will also try to find a connection between your mood and cognitive skills.

Amazon Prime Video Gets Offline Playback On iOS And Android

iOS / Android: Amazon may not be the most popular video streaming service on the market, but today it has a terrific feature that takes it one step closer to its competitors: offline video.

Optimism helps you track and manage your mental health

Windows / OS X / iOS / Internet: Your emotional state can change throughout the day, and there are certain things that you might not even be aware of influencing your mentality. Optimism monitors your mental health and helps you find these emotional triggers.

Gluru shows you files, emails and more when you need them

Internet / Android / iOS (coming soon): One of the best things about Google Now is that it delivers useful information exactly when you need it. Gluru is a new app and web service that wants to do the same just for your productive life using Dropbox, Google Drive, Evernote, Google Calendar, etc.

Google Now Update Improves Map Organization, Delivers Smarter News Suggestions

Google announced a new logo yesterday. While that wasn’t a big deal, the company also started rolling out a new version of Google Now last night. This one is very different. For the better.

F.lux for Mac adds a “reverse alarm” to show you how much sleep you need

Mac: F.lux is a great app for changing the temperature of your display when you’re working late at night , but working late at night also means you’re skipping sleep. The Mac version of the app now has a new Reverse Alarm that counts down until the alarm goes off.

Xposed Framework finally got full version for Lollipop 5.0 and 5.1

Android ( root ): Xposed, an awesome framework that lets you run your own customized version of Android , has finally reached full stable release for the newest versions of Android.

Runkeeper redesigned and updated start screen for faster registration

iOS: Runkeeper, your best launcher app on a smartphone , has received an update that gives it a fresh look along with a new start screen that makes it easier to get out.

NetNewsWire, the classic RSS reader for Mac, returns with modern features

Mac / iOS: Once upon a time, NetNewsWire was the default choice for RSS readers on Mac. Then he disappeared for a while. Now it’s back with all the trim (and price) of a modern RSS reader. This includes a new iOS app.

Moonshot Desktop

This Windows 10 desktop is very basic, but it fits. This is partly due to the fact that Victor uses it on a 60-inch TV, but the lack of widgets and switches does not make it any less useful or beautiful. Here’s what you need for this look.


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