Start Your Night Drinking Beer With Lighter Beers

You might think it’s best to start your beer hunt with a hopped, flavored beer with a higher alcohol content, but you’re doing your taste buds a disservice for the rest of the night.

Beer can contain about 3% alcohol by volume (ABV), but can skyrocket to nearly 20% depending on the variety. If you’re planning on sipping a few cold ones during the night, Will Stevens, co-founder of , suggests starting with the lighter side:

… plan ahead and start with your lightest beer. Beers with a high alcohol content or very hoppy beers will overwhelm your palate and make your next beer difficult. I often start with a lager or something equally light and gradually finish with an IPA, and in the winter, a Barleywine or Imperial Stout.

You pay good money for these delicious drinks so you can get the most out of them. Choose stronger ingredients and enjoy the scent.

5 Tips To Find Your Signature Beer | Food52


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