When to Travel to Western Europe by Train, Not Plane

Sometimes it is better to travel by train than to fly . When it comes to flights between cities in Western Europe, there are times when the train knocks out tempting deals from cheap airlines.

The independent traveler compared the prices of two discounted European airlines ( Ryanair and easyJet ) with Rail Europe and found that the train is a better option when traveling between cities close to each other. For example, if you want to travel to Rome, then Florence, then Venice and back to Rome.

You should be looking at more than just ticket prices, as cheap airlines often charge extra fees for luggage, airplane amenities and airport check-in. You may also have to arrive or depart from airports that are close to where you are staying, which means more money spent on ground transportation. If you take these factors into account, you may find that the apparent savings in the price of a discounted airline ticket are not worth the hidden costs and wasted time associated with it.

Europe – by plane or by train? | Independent traveler


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