To-Do App Tasks Receive Location-Based Reminders and Integration With Tasker

Android: Tasks, the near-perfect Astrid clone we love so much, now has a plugin that adds Locale or Tasker integration, which means support for location-based reminders and tasks.

Astrid is long gone, but since she was open source, several clones have emerged. Tasks for Android are by far the most mature, and the new plugin is available for $ 3, either as a separate download from Google Play or as an in-app purchase. You will also need Locale or Tasker installed to use it, but if you have one, you can use Tasks to create tasks and Tasker or Locale to create notification actions in geographic regions that match those tasks. The plugin itself is also open source, and you can check out the code yourself on GitHub if you so desire.

In short, you’ll be able to get notified when Tasker knows you’re in the office, and reminders to grab milk from the grocery store when you pass it home from work. The plugin is right now duplicating Astrid’s old location plugin, but the developer (who told us about the new plugin, thanks Alex!) Noted that there will be new features in the next release. You can grab it and try it yourself from the links below.

Tasks – Locale and Tasker Plugin ($ 3) | Google Play Tasks (Free) | Google games


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