Non-Sexual, Realistic Expectations of Healthy Weight Loss
If you are trying to lose weight and want to start a program, hold your phone if the program is preceded by any of the following words: “fast”, “fast” or any other synonym for “fast”. Losing weight can happen quickly, but in general it shouldn’t.
The plethora of fitness commercials and TV shows depicting suffering that causes vomiting will make you believe that kilos can and will simply melt away in rapid succession. (When this happens, though, the weight comes back just as quickly, if not more.) So what is a more realistic time frame for weight loss?
Body For Wife’s James Fell first explains that your starting weight is one of the most important factors in determining the rate at which you can expect to lose weight. Basically, the more overweight you are, the faster you can lose those extra pounds. However, if you get closer to your ideal weight , the process will become much slower. You can blame your metabolism for this.
Overall, James recommends consistent weight loss ranging from half a pound to a pound per week . Not very attractive numbers at all, but over the course of many months they will surely become significant (doesn’t 50 pounds a year seem good?). James then refines the math required for fast weekly weight loss. It is neither pretty nor stable. As he points out, the body turns on a number of mechanisms that slow this constant rate of weight loss. In the long term, this can have serious consequences for your health.
Ultimately, he advocates loving and embracing the weight loss journey itself, rather than working as a means to an end that doesn’t always come. Visit the blog link below to find out more.
How quickly do you need to lose weight? | BodyForWife