Use Leftover Corn Husks to Bake or Cook Perfectly Juicy Fish
After peeling fresh corn, you might think you have a bunch of junk left over. Not so: in fact, you can use leftover corn husks for a variety of things, including cooking the wettest and tastiest fish you will ever eat.
Of course, if you want to use corn husks to cook fish, don’t put them away in the store. You can peel them a little if you like, but one look at the brushes will tell you if you are harvesting the best corn.
Back home, you peeled the corn and accumulated husks, washed off excess dirt and silk, and then submerged them in water for a few minutes. Even if they were dry at first, you will end up with a husk that can be easily wrapped around the pieces of fish. Blot off excess water, coat both sides with oil (to prevent them from sticking to the wire rack), and roll up the fish. Place the end of the husk on the wire rack so that the weight of the wrapped fish does not allow the husk to unfold. Cook, covered, for 8-10 minutes, and sprinkle with a little water occasionally to keep them from burning. When you’re done, you have super flavorful and juicy fish without wasting parchment paper or foil. Check out the full recipe below, there is an option you can cook in the oven if you don’t want to grill.
Why You Shouldn’t Throw Corn Hulls | Kitchen