Improve Your Posture and Balance With a Daily Warm-Up

Correct posture is critical to prevent pain and to look good and feel healthy. Find an imbalance in your body and work to correct it with four simple movements you can do every morning or before your workout.

The warm-up exercises were discussed by posture specialist Pete Egoscue in an article in the Huffington Post. In the first movement, you simply stand against a wall for five minutes, during which time your muscles must begin to adapt and your body can realign. In the movement shown above, you raise and lower your front toes, which Egoscue says can counteract the negative effects of wearing shoes all day.

Yoga practitioners are familiar with the latter two movements: the forward bend and the cat cow.

The article also suggests checking your posture against a wall first (we have a video with the same idea ) to help you figure out which areas to work on to improve your posture throughout the day.

How important is perfect shape in fitness? | The huffington post


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