Make the Perfect Ice Cream Sandwiches From Disposable Cups

The old ” sawing off ice cream slices while it’s still in a pint ” is one of the oldest ice cream tricks in the book (“book” – “Pinterest”). It’s great for making big, pretty ice cream sandwiches, but for sandwiches made with smaller cookies, a plastic cup works best.

First, you need to figure out which cup size you want. The Oreo is 1.75 inches in diameter, so you’ll need a cup that’s about that size (no need to be precise). Since most cups will gradually expand towards the top, make sure the top diameter is not much larger than your chosen cookie. ( Restaurants have many options for disposable cups.)

After choosing a cup, scoop up the ice cream and pack it as tightly as possible. Freeze for a couple of hours and when the ice cream has hardened, slice the ice cream (still in the cup) into perfect little patties. Remove the pieces from the cup and place the mug between your two favorite cookies.

We have to point out that this trick is completely cosmetic, and that pretty ice cream sandwiches taste no better than dipping cookies right into a gallon of ice cream, chips, and dip style (at least I’ve heard). But if you need your frozen treats to be Instagram-worthy, this little trick will help you make great sandwiches every time.

Ice Cream Sandwich Trick + S’mores Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe | Attaching mom


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