“It’s Okay to Get Bored From Point a to Point B – Just Don’t Stop.”
As you achieve the goals you set for yourself, there will come a time when the excitement will subside and you will feel like you’re not going anywhere. This is fine. The key is to get through it.
Boredom sounds bad, but it actually means you’ve turned the steps you need to take to move towards your goal into habits. It’s all routine. Daniel DiPiazza of Entrepreneur invites you to change your perspective a little:
From now on, I want you to start looking at boredom not as a sign of stagnation, but as a sign of consistent, steady progress. Success is inevitable if you do the little things you need to do every single day to be successful. It’s okay to get bored from point A to point B. Just don’t stop.
The train starts rolling forward as the wheels start spinning, which is exciting. Over time, the repetitive movement of the train loses its attractiveness, but this does not mean that it does not move where it needs to. In a way, it’s good if your goal is boring. Just make sure you understand what it really means and don’t stop over it.
How to recognize goodness in any situation without deceiving yourself | Businessman