StAMP Import Spotify Songs to Apple Music

Mac: If you’ve used Apple Music, you know that importing saved music from Spotify is not easy. StAMP is an application that Automator uses to make this process a little easier.

After downloading StAMP, you can point it to your Spotify account and it will try to find any tracks you have saved in your library and add them to Apple Music. It uses Automator, so it’s a slow process, but it worked very well for me. However, it doesn’t import playlists, it just saves music. To do this, you need to use a tool like Exportify to save the playlists as a CSV file and then import it using StAMP. It’s a pain, but it’s the only (somewhat) automated solution we’ve seen so far. You can import 10 songs at a time using the free version, or pay around $ 5.50 to unlock the full version.

StAMP (Free / $ 5.50)


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