Make the Perfect Popcorn on the Stovetop in a Stainless Steel Bowl

Alton Brown explains that if you have an oversized stainless steel bowl, you have the perfect popcorn.

The shape of the bowl helps the floating kernels rise from the bottom of the bowl so they don’t get burnt, and the oil and unopened kernels collect at the bottom, closest to the heat source.

In the video above, Brown shows you how to make popcorn salt, cover a bowl with sturdy aluminum foil and cut the steam out, and shake the bowl over medium heat until all the kernels have burst. One nice benefit to this method: Serve the popcorn directly in the bowl and you have fewer items to remove.

No such bowl? This shaped wok makes great popcorn, and we’ve shown you how to make the perfect popcorn in a casserole dish .

Perfect Popcorn | Food chain


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