Improve Your Relationship by Simply Changing Your Expectations

A good relationship is a balance of mutual concessions. Changing your expectations, even by a small amount, can significantly strengthen your relationship.

People would not develop relationships with each other if both sides received nothing. It can be love, support, or even friendship. However, relationship problems arise when someone’s expectations are not met. Stephen Geese, author of Mini Habits , believes that the best way to fix and avoid these problems is to adjust your own expectations:

… expect to get less and expect to give more. By giving more, you increase your value to the other person, while expecting less greatly reduces the likelihood that you will be disappointed in them … Imagine two people in a romantic or friendship relationship who both decide to give more to the other than they receive. Their admiration, trust, and respect for each other will grow and the relationship will flourish because when you give more and expect less, you increase your value and decrease your burden on the other person.

The adjustment is small, but it can make a huge difference. The little things that used to annoy you are not so bad because you no longer seek perfection in someone. And you will improve the situation for the other side with just a little extra effort. Take your newly adjusted expectations and do your best to keep things interesting and your relationship could go to the brink.

One Easy Way To Improve Any Relationship | Choose your brain


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