How to Install an Under-Sink Filter for Better Tap Water Taste

Tap water in the United States is generally safe , but it can taste bad in some regions. Tap water can also contain traces of pesticides, volatile organic compounds, lead, and dirt that you won’t want to swallow, no matter how much. Install a water filter under the sink to enhance the taste of the water and remove many impurities.

Brita filtered water jugs work well but are a little awkward. It can take a long time to fill the jug and wait for the water to pass through the filter. The next most economical solution for filtered water is to install an under-sink water filtration system that includes a separate filter tap on request and an easily replaceable filter.

What do you need

I recommend the Filtrete drinking water system , which is only $ 49 on Amazon. It is a one-stage system with the least filtration, but better than nothing. You can spend up to $ 600 on two- and three-stage filtration systems, as well as reverse osmosis filtration, but remember that these under-sink options still only work for one faucet. How much you want to spend is up to you.

Required tools include an adjustable wrench, Philips head screwdriver, drill, hole saw bits and crowns (if required), and safety goggles.

Step one: drill a hole in the sink

Your filter will have its own small drinking water faucet, so you’ll need space to install it next to a regular faucet. Start by checking to see if there is a pre-existing hole in the sink. These holes are usually covered with rubber grommets and are used to attach soap dispensers or spray guns. Without the preexisting hole, you will need to drill a 1 1/4 ”hole.

Drilling a ceramic or granite countertop for a sink is a tricky process, but doable. There are several different methods, one using the punching method and the other using a diamond tipped hole saw as shown in step 2 of the video above and inthis video .

If you are drilling a hole in a stainless steel sink, you can use a standard carbide-tipped blade with a lubricant to keep it from overheating. Running the drill at 1/2 speed will also reduce heat. Start with a 1/4 inch bit, then increase the bit as needed.

Step two: split the water line

After drilling the hole, pass the water pipe and the end of the filter tap and secure with the supplied nut. Connect the water supply to the water filter.

Look under the sink and turn the knob to turn off the cold water. Then drain the cold pipe by turning on the tap.

Use an adjustable wrench to remove the line from the sink that is attached to the plumbing. Screw the splitter onto the fitting (shown at the top right), which will allow water to pass to the filter, but also to allow water to pass through a regular tap.

For 1/2 ”fittings, you will need an adapter (found at any hardware store) to mount the 1/4” splitter.

Step three: install the water filter

After dipping in cold water, connect the water line to the separator and insert the other end into the filter. The tap water line and clear water will be marked on the filter.

Attach the water filter and holder to the wall or side of the cabinet with two screws through which the holder will slide. The filter is screwed in and out of the holder and should be replaced every 6 months.

Switch on cold water again and check the tightness. Open the filtered water tap and let it run for a couple of minutes before drinking.


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