Add Olive Pits to Olive Oil for Extra Flavor Enhancement

Using all of your kitchen scraps will help you get the most out of your money, especially when it comes to expensive ingredients like olives. Try dipping the remaining seeds in extra virgin olive oil for a fruity flavor.

This tip from Bon Appetit is especially helpful if you’re buying olives by weight. You are paying for the pits anyway, so you can benefit from them in some way. When you mix oil with other ingredients (letting the ingredients sit in the oil and transfer their flavor), you get an even more intense flavor (like a green apple or apricot) for relatively little work.

However, you may be able to shorten the life of the oil by adding olive pits, so try to use the oil as soon as possible. You can always pour the oil you want to pour into a smaller bottle so you have less room to waste. Just like you would use extra virgin olive oil to finish off meals – pouring it over soup, grilled vegetables, or salad dressing – you can use the new flavor in the same way.

Garbage Guide: How To Give New Life To Your Kitchen Waste | Bon appetit


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