Modify These General Exercises to Better Suit Your Body Type.

Everyone works differently, so why should we expect a one-size-fits-all workout program to help all of us achieve the same fitness ideals? Here’s how to personalize your workout to meet your goals.

Contrary to Tyler Durden’s beliefs, you are a beautiful and unique snowflake, and your training should respect that. How well you respond to different exercises depends on many factors, such as the length of your limbs or the natural strength of certain muscles. So, as the common, constantly annoying phrase goes, you should “dress for your body type.”

To personalize your workouts, Adam Bornstein of Born Fitness suggested the following several substitutes for the basic four difficult movements.

Some examples from Adam’s post:

For a more detailed guide to customizing your workout to suit your body shape, see Adam’s article below.

How to Personalize Your Workout |

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