This Video Explains the Important Benefits of a Proper Fighting Stance.

While fights should be avoided at all costs, everyone should know a little self-confidence in case of an emergency. This video explains what a proper fighting stance should look like and why it’s half the battle.

The video, posted by Jack Slack on the Fightland YouTube channel, tells the story of the fighting stance and explains its importance in all martial arts. For most people, it is best to place your left foot in front of your right, as shown in the video. Placing your feet allows you to move freely and prepare your body for impacts. It also provides the strength needed to land the right punch . If you removed the rack, your back would do all the work. You will be slower and this will increase your chances of falling (which is a really quick way to lose a fight). Most fights are avoidable, but if you find yourself in one of them, at least make sure you start with a good stance.

Jack Slack Ring: The Art of the Rack | Youtube


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