Begin to Overcome Shyness by Dropping Your Self-Image.

Shyness isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if you want to get over it, you need to start by letting go of the labels and stigmas you’ve attached to yourself.

You may be shy, but repeating this to yourself over and over in your mind can be counterproductive. Alan Marsden of MindBodyandTech brings you what you think:

The very first thing you need to do (don’t panic) is to stop reaffirming your shyness. Stop telling yourself that you are shy or that the meetings are terrible. If we keep telling ourselves that we are this or that, we will never overcome feelings of fear or insecurity. And feelings can be overcome. Forget that you’ve ever been shy.

You are not a shy person who does not know how to talk to others, you are just a person who works to overcome fear. How could you ever hope to overcome something when you identify with it? At this stage, letting go of shyness will mean changing who you are, which is not required to overcome your fears. Lose your self-esteem, give up thinking about yourself / always / everyone, and gradually work on making it easier for you to talk to others.

15 Tips Everyone Can Use To Beat Shyness | Choose your brain


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