When You Write Your First Draft, Don’t Be Afraid to Write Like Shit.

Filling a blank page with words is difficult. Correcting a bunch of terrible words is a little easier. If you’re having trouble getting started, do what you’re afraid to do: write like shit.

As one Reddit user notes, you can write like shit in the early stages. Getting started and getting your ideas across on the page is far more important than finding the harshest, catchy first words that will grab the reader. You can fix the problems in your draft later:

My number one tip for writers (and this applies to all forms of writing, whether it’s a cover letter for your resume, a college essay, or a novel): Don’t be afraid to write like shit. Worrying about “good” or not is an exercise that you put off until you finish. Write a terrible sentence. Damn, write a terrible chapter. Check it out. Come back and change it later.

You don’t have to be a professional writer for this to be useful. In fact, non-professionals probably need to hear more about it. If you don’t know how to fill out your resume or what to say in an email to a relative, just write something . You can fix this later.

LPT: When writing anything important, don’t be afraid to write like shit. | Reddit


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