Grow Sweeter, Larger Strawberries and Other Fruits With Red Mulch

This is gardening time, or at least gardening planning time. Few things are better than fresh strawberries in your sleep than fresh strawberries, so pick up some red mulch and you’ll grow the best tasting strawberries.

The Telegraph notes that research at Clemson University has shown that strawberries grown through this red plastic mulch produce berries that are 20 percent larger, more flavorful, significantly sweeter, and even contain more vitamin C and anthocyanins to compensate for the jump in sugar.

The researchers concluded that the invisible spectrum of far red light reflected from this mulch mimicked the light reflected by nearby plants, “tricking” the strawberries into feeling threatened by an imminent rivalry. In response, they increased their defenses by channeling their energies towards larger, more delicious fruits.

Other fruits and vegetables may also benefit from red mulch, such as tomatoes, melons, and peppers, according to other studies . This mulch ($ 12.95) from Gardener’s Supply Company was developed by Clemson University and the USDA and seems like a worthwhile investment to boost yields.

James Wong: How To Grow The Best Tasting Strawberries | Telegraph


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