Determine If Your Workplace Needs Organization With the 30 Second Rule

A clean workplace is fine, but sometimes everything is just fine, even if it’s a little messy. You can use the 30 second rule to find out if what’s going on is hurting your productivity, or if you’re better off leaving it as it is.

It’s okay to find the best ways to increase productivity, but it can be harmful to focus only on optimization and not really. When it comes to your workplace, organization expert Alison Kero told Fast Company Gwen Moran that you should use the 30 second rule to find out:

“If you are the kind of person who looks at their desk and someone says, ‘Hey, I need this paper,’ and you can very easily find this paper within 30 seconds or a minute, then whatever system you have was, works for you. If you’re losing something all the time, your desktop makes you feel like you’re in chaos and overwhelmed, and you spend more time looking for things than being productive, that’s when it doesn’t work for you. “

Don’t worry about your workplace if it doesn’t actually slow you down. This may seem a little disorganized to some, but it might be just right for you. This is your workplace, not theirs, so do whatever works best for you. If your space doesn’t pass the test, it’s time to get rid of the clutter .

5 Fake Things You Do But Waste Your Time | Fast Company


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