Drinking a Couple of Drinks Can Make You Look More Attractive to Those Around You.
Everyone knows about the beer glasses effect of making other people appear more attractive to the drinker. However, recent research suggests that the drinker can appear more attractive to others by drinking a couple of drinks (but nothing more).
In a study conducted in collaboration with researchers from the University of Bristol in the UK and Macquarie University in Australia and published in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism , pre-selected participants were asked to photograph them at three different locations. In the first photo they are completely sober, in the next they are captured after drinking about two glasses of wine, and in the third – after they have drunk about four glasses of wine (or about 2/3 of a bottle). A separate group of participants was then shown different photographs of the same person from the first group and asked to identify the most attractive photograph of that person.
In general, people believed that the participants looked the most attractive after drinking just a couple of glasses of wine. Lead researcher Jan Van Den Abbele believes the results boiled down to two things: redness of the facial skin after alcohol consumption, which gives the skin a healthy appearance; and an increase in positive mood, as evidenced by a slight smile and relaxation of the facial muscles. It is important to note, however, that photographs of participants after four drinks were rated the lowest, even when compared to sober photographs. So if you want to look your best at a party or bar, have a drink or two to relax, but don’t overdo it. Alcohol can do a lot of wacky things to your brain and body , so make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. You can read more about the research and methodology at the link below.
Improving facial attractiveness after moderate but not high alcohol consumption | Alcohol and Alcoholism Journal, Oxford University Press via PsyBlog