President Obama on Success: “Keep Working”

If you’ve ever felt stuck, struggled with self-doubt, or worried about being successful, our 44th President invites you to focus on working on your craft.

Regardless of which path you take politically, it is hard to deny that becoming President of the United States is a sign of success. However, President Barack Obama has not always been successful. In a recent interview, Obama was asked when he felt most overwhelmed. Here’s how he answered:

“I ran for the first time for Congress in 1999 and I got beaten up. I just screamed … Then, to run away and lose, I thought maybe this is not what I was made for. I was forty. years and I spent a lot of time and effort on things that didn’t seem to work. But what helped me get through that moment and any other time I got stuck was to remind myself It’s about work. Because if you are worried about yourself – if you think, “Am I doing well? Am I in the right position? Do they appreciate me?” – then you will end up feeling frustrated and stuck. But if you can keep it at work, you will always have a way. There is always something to be done . “

Sometimes success is just a matter of time; a chance that can arise whether you are ready or not. So instead of getting upset about your lack of success, keep doing what you do best. Continue to hone your craft and hone your craft to be ready when the opportunity presents itself. You will never get stuck, just move forward gradually. Remember, real success doesn’t come overnight.

“When do you feel the most overwhelmed?” | People of New York via Cal Newport


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