Reduce Data Consumption in Mobile Chrome With These Settings

iOS / Android: Limiting mobile data is becoming ubiquitous, and anything you can do to reduce your data consumption is helping. Depending on your OS, Chrome has several options that you can use to reduce this number while browsing.

As the blog Tips Addictive Tips points out, there is one option in iOS not available for Android: disable web page preloading. To turn this off, go to Chrome Settings> Advanced> Bandwidth> Preload Web Pages. You can either turn it off completely or preload web pages only when connected to Wi-Fi. This should help you save data.

Another option, available for both Android and iOS, is data compression. It used to be a flag that was buried in the Chrome beta , but it is now a built-in Chrome feature on both platforms. On iOS, this can be found in the same bandwidth menu. On Android, go to Settings, scroll down to the Advanced section and turn on Reduced Data Usage. This compresses websites before sending them to you, so they will use less traffic to get to your phone.

Reduce data consumption with Chrome on your phone when not connected to Wi-Fi | Exciting tips


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