Save Everyone From Awkward Silence With Good Stories

You probably know this moment well: everyone said what they wanted to say, and an awkward silence fills the room. Well , fear not and save the day with a few of your best stories worth telling.

We all have stories, but ManMade’s Chris Gardner invites you to pick some really good ones from his collection so you always have a headroom when the conversation ends. Think about exciting past events, funny things that happened to you or people you know, or anything else that might be a little interesting. When you have several options that you think will work, practice speaking to them. You can even write them down if you like. You don’t need to rehearse too much, but you want to be able to pull these stories out at any time. Sure, you don’t want to tell the same stories over and over to the same group of people, but you get the idea. People enjoy hearing stories more than awkward silences, so be the hero and pick one of the best.

Essential things every man should own by age 30 | ManMade


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