If You’ve Just Got Laid Off, Use Your Free Time to Develop New (Good) Habits.

When you are not working, your main goal is to find a new job. However, you cannot do this all day. This is a good opportunity to start forming new habits and making them part of your daily routine – like going to the gym, for example.

We have already given advice to the recently unemployed , and in part it was an obvious change in routine. If you already go to the gym, great. If not, now is the time to add that to your day-to-day efforts (preferably not requiring money – your local community center may have a place to work).

You can do it with any good habit, but exercise is a great thing: it keeps you active while you are not working. It boosts your confidence and helps you find a job . When you get back to work, you will want to continue with this routine . Read the link for other ways to recuperate after losing your job.

Survive (and Succeed) After Being Fired | AOL Jobs


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