Learn Detachment by Getting Rid of One Little Thing Every Day.

Many of us are stressed and cannot get rid of our problems. Buddhism teaches the concept of “detachment” to allow us to get away from what is troubling us. The deliberate rejection of some material values ​​can give impetus to the process.

WikiHow provides several steps on how to learn detachment. The first step is small and easy:

The best way to practice this concept is to start small, even on a minute level. Learn to let go of what you are not attached to in the first place; then snowball from there. If you store old clothes in the closet that you never wore because of the wrong size, or shoes with big holes that you will never wear again, you will know how to cling to things that do not improve your life.

We have explained the value of daily rubbish cleaning . When you dispose of these things (whether you donate them to charity or trade ), do it without attachment. Remember that you are in charge of your life and can get rid of things (or feelings) that no longer serve a purpose.

Read the link for the rest of the steps.

How to Live in a State of Detachment | WikiHow


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