The Way We Work 2015: Kristin Wong’s Gear and Performance Tips

Every week, we share shortcuts, workspaces, and productivity tips from our favorite experts. Today it’s my turn to tell you how I’m doing.

Location: Los Angeles, California. Current job: Writer, blogger, video creator. One word that best describes how you work: caffeine. Current mobile device: iPhone 4S. Current computer: 21-inch iMac and 13-inch MacBook Air.

What apps / programs / tools can’t you live without?

I rely on Evernote , Feedly and my Google calendars for my work. I created an IFTTT recipe for automatically adding messages to Evernote when I schedule them in my calendar. So without that, I would be a little lost too. I keep a physical notebook in every room to jot down fleeting thoughts and ideas. This is important because I have a terrible memory. What were we talking about again?

Outside of work, I love Mint for keeping track of my expenses and Personal Capital for keeping track of my portfolio. Plus, I don’t like spending more on things than I need to, which is why I’m also a big fan of Honey for automatic coupons and InvisibleHand for finding the lowest prices on things.

How is your workplace arranged?

Boring and minimalistic. I cannot fully concentrate when my surroundings are untidy. I’ve always been a little obsessed with neatness and orderliness, even as a kid. My thoughts are usually chaotic and chaotic. Tidying up my surroundings makes me feel a little less scattered.

What’s your best time-saving shortcut / life hack?

Get up early. I speak at about five in the morning. Before the day’s emails, comments and pings start popping up, I’m relaxed, calm and clear. This way I work better and faster. I don’t always get up early, but when I get up I work much more efficiently. This last sentence made me sound like the Dos Equis guy.

What’s your favorite to-do list manager?

Google Tasks. I’ve tried a lot of to-do list managers and Google Tasks works best for me. But I also use a handwritten to-do list for sub-tasks. I like to cross things off the lists.

What device, besides a phone and a computer, can you not live without and why?

Is my Chemex considered a gadget? It makes delicious coffee.

What are some of your best everyday activities? What’s your secret?

I was told that I am pretty organized. For me it helps to keep things simpler. I don’t use many tools and applications for the job. I find a few that work for me in general, and I stick with them.

What do you listen to while you work?

Lately I can’t stop listening to 3 Feet High and Rising De La Soul. I’m actually listening to this right now. Great working soundtrack! It’s hard not to be in a good mood when this happens in the background. Although I think this is starting to annoy my neighbors.

What are you reading now?

Asshole. “ Wow, calm down, Christine. I’m just asking!” No, stupid, that’s the name of the book: ” Asshole: how I became rich and happy, not giving a damn about anyone, and how you can too . Don’t be alarmed; it’s satire. And it’s funny to laugh out loud.

Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

I like being around people and some people call me an extrovert, but secretly I think I am an introvert. A friend says that introverts get their energy from loneliness, while extroverts get their energy from other people. By this definition, I would say that I am an introvert.

What is your sleep pattern?

I usually go to bed before 11 and wake up before 7. I am very anxious.

Fill in the blank: I would like _____ to answer these same questions.

Larry David.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

My past career as a technical writer helped me overcome my fear of asking stupid questions. My first job was in an engineering firm. I have written instructions for working with complex gas sampling instruments. It was intimidating and I was afraid to speak out when I didn’t understand the basics. A colleague of mine helped me overcome this. “You can look stupid by asking questions,” he said. “But you look dumber when you don’t understand it because you didn’t ask.” Simple, but it got me hooked. I think about it all the time.

Another piece of advice that I live by: never be sure that you have the answers to all your questions. I am self-confident, but always open to the thought that I could be wrong in everything.

Is there anything else you would like to add that might be of interest to your readers / fans?

Start working from home with Google. My friend’s aunt’s daughter’s cat makes $ 300,000 a year – okay, that’s enough.


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