Build a Free-Range Chicken Coop for Your Flock
Why should kennels get all the fun? Chickens also need a warm, safe and inviting environment to live and lay their eggs. Here is a recycled barn wood chicken coop that is suitable for the very best birds.
Chickens as pets are not as rare as you might think. Fresh eggs straight from the chicken coop are delicious and taste very different from what you buy at the grocery store. Chickens will eat whatever kitchen scraps you give them, and their scraps work well as an additive to your compost heap as fertilizer.
Keith Stansley of DIY Diva (formerly at Lifehacker’s Workshop) built an amazing chicken coop using mostly 2×4, 2×3, plywood, pine planks and old recycled barn wood for siding, trim and doors. This coop is as sturdy as you can find, and instead of being tedious when looking over the property, it is a talking point. Her chickens are well protected from the weather and she has easy access to their eggs.
Read the link below for more detailed instructions on how she put it all together.