How to Make It Easier to Get Out of Bed in the Morning

Getting out of bed can be difficult. The alarm goes off, and for a moment, you just stay in bed, warm and cozy, wishing you didn’t have to move. Of course, we get up anyway, usually because we have to, but it sucks, it’s uncomfortable, and sometimes painful. Here are some tips on how to make this moment – getting up – suck less.

The one moment you lie in bed thinking about how warm and comfortable you are and just want to roll over and fall asleep again can define your entire day. Let’s talk about some ways to make it a lot easier and start your day on the good side.

Increase heat with programmable thermostat

When you get up, the last thing you want to do is get out of a warm bed and breathe in the cool morning air. Sure, that’s great, but you can ease the blow a little – and start your day off better – with a little money and a few minutes of self-installation. Programmable and other smart thermostats offer many useful benefits , from energy savings to remote control, but perhaps one of the most immediate benefits is the ability to program temperature settings for different times of the day. We mentioned earlier that cooling leads to better sleep , so it makes sense to turn off the thermostat a little when you go to bed and then warm up a little when you wake up. The programmable model does it for you.

You can even program the thermostat to start heating things up half an hour or an hour before you want to wake up. If you really enjoy doing things yourself, you can always create your own Wi-Fi thermostat, or remake an old phone and Raspberry Pi for one .

Automate your morning routine and your home appliances

For many of us, it’s a heavy morning routine – a process that’s bearable at best and annoying at worst (and usually ends up having to leave and go to work) that makes getting out of bed painful. We can’t take away your commute or work, but your morning routine could definitely be something you’re looking forward to, not just putting up with it. You also don’t have to get up early to do this – just do something in the morning that feeds your mind , and doesn’t just walk you out the door. Give yourself plenty of time to think, relax, and tune in for the day.

Then let technology brew your coffee for you, turn up the heat, open the curtains and let in some light, or even play some melody to make you feel energized and ready to start the day.

For example, automating the temperature in your home is one thing, but consider automating your morning coffee as well. There is no reason you can use home automation kits like Belkin WeMo or LittleBits to grind beans, brew coffee, or turn on the kettle before you wake up. Plus, waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee every morning is a great way to lure yourself out from under the covers. Of course, coffee is just the beginning. We’ve got a complete guide to getting started with home automation , and if you’re not into expensive kits, you can do the same with a reliable Raspberry Pi or Arduino .

Reward Yourself (or Make It Worth It)

Your way of thinking at the start of the day matters a lot. If you are happy and looking forward to this day, you are more likely to have a good day than if you hate being awake, hate getting out of bed, and hate the sun for getting up. After all, your expectations affect your reality .

I know what it’s like to wake up in the morning, turn off the alarm and just lie in bed wondering why you bother at all. You start thinking about why you can call sick or give yourself another five minutes or so. Even when you get up, getting up every day to go to work / school / whatever does not make you feel happy. Even if you enjoy your job or your lessons, the morning is hard for all of us. The trick here is to give yourself a reason to get up – a reward or something you really enjoy – that will make the whole thing at least a little more rewarding. Something nice enough to make you wake up and say, “Well, at least I’ll get to X before work” or “At least today is Y day.”

Whichever X or Y is for you, it’s up to you – for me sometimes it was a good breakfast or lunch at my favorite place (although food as a reward can be dangerous), sometimes it was a new mouse or keyboard that I delivered work to. which I should have used if I went that day. Sometimes in the morning, instead of my usual drink, it was a special cup of coffee. Other times in the morning there was a little more time to play video games, or the promise of some free time after work. Whatever your reward, keep it in mind as you try to get up.

Refresh your sleep

A good morning starts with a good night’s sleep, and while it’s easy to say, “Just get more sleep and getting out of bed will be easier,” it’s not entirely true. Getting more sleep is not the same as getting quality sleep , and it is quality sleep that helps you throw off the covers in the morning and start your day.

All the usual sleep hygiene tips apply here, such as doing light exercise every day, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, or cigarettes before bed, and cutting back on screen time (computers, tablets, phones, and yes, TV) before bed. Instead , create an evening routine that complements your morning routine : you set up all your home automation, put beans in the grinder or set up the coffee maker, do a light meditation or read in dim light, and tend to relax. for the bed. Even a few minutes spent on each one is enough to help your mind and body relax and get better sleep – which means you won’t wake up the next morning hating life just because you need to stay awake.

Eliminating the root cause

Finally, we mentioned earlier that we cannot exclude things like commuting or work from the equation. This may be why you hate getting up in the first place, and no amount of rewards or morning playlists in the world can relieve you of that weight when the alarm goes off. If this sounds familiar, all of these tips might make things a little easier, but it’s important to address the root cause. Otherwise, each morning will simply be unhappy to varying degrees.

We’ve discussed what you can do about a shitty job (other than giving it up entirely ) and how to make your commute less crappy (although you should really consider cutting it down if you can ). If these are the things that make your morning miserable – or pay off on much better days, if you fix them, fix them. The time, energy, and happiness you get from finding a better job or a shorter commute can easily outweigh everything else here.


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